Dielectric | Housing material |
All-Film | Primed or painted steel |
Impregnating fluid | Rated voltage |
Ecologically-friendly impregnating oil based | One-phase capacitors up to 16,500 V |
on M/DBT (free of PCB) | Three-phase capacitors up to 12,000 V |
Discharge resistance | Rated current |
The integrated discharge resistance discharges | Maximum 110 A |
the switched-off capacitor from the operating current | Rated output |
to 75 V in a maximum of 10 minutes | Up to 600 kVAr / 50 Hz or 720 kVAr / 60 Hz |
(discharge to 50 V in 5 minutes on request) | Power loss |
Protection | Total loss <0.15 W/ kVAr |
Installation of internal fuses required by customer | Dialectric loss 0.07 W/ kVAr |
Terminals | Maximum permissible overload capacity |
M14 | Maximum constant voltageoverload capacity |
Earthing | 1.3 x Un max. |
Earthing via unpainted brackets | Constant current overload capacity |
Assembly | 1.1 x In |
Vertically or horizontally | 20 | |